Have you ever had a massage? Do you remember how relaxed and rejuvenated massage therapy made you feel? Now, can you remember the last time you had a massage?
We are all living in a very busy world that is constantly on the go. Since you’ve been thinking about the last time you went to a massage therapist (or wondering why you’ve never gone to one) you may even be realizing how tight your muscles are feeling as you’re reading this.
Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy

Stress that does not have an outlet or a way for you to unwind can cause long-term health issues. Including issues with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Besides stress relief, regular massage therapy helps manage pain, improve physical fitness, boost mental health and wellness, and provide an immune system boost.
Is Massage Therapy For Me?
Hands down, massage therapy is amazing for your body and mind. But, one of the most amazing things about massage therapy is that it really is for just about everyone. Each session can easily be customized to your specific needs by your massage therapist. The time of the session, the style, the pressure used, and the areas of focus can all be customized not only from person to person, but session to session.
Are There Different Types Of Massage Therapy?
There are so many types of massage therapy for just about any time or physical condition you’re in. The treatment can be specifically tailored for:

- prenatal massage or post-natal massage
- lymphatic drainage massage
- sports injury prevention and rehabilitation
- surgical rehabilitation
- therapeutic massage
- deep tissue
- stress relief
- relaxation massage.
Sometimes even your individual needs will change from week to week and session to session. And the more often you receive this form of therapy, the longer the feeling of pain relief and relaxation last between sessions.
Massage therapy works incredibly well in conjunction with chiropractic care and physical therapy. Whenever there is any injury present- be it from overuse, bad posture, accident, surgical recovery, etc., a massage therapist can help with the most basic of body aches and pains, headaches, and feelings of stress and anxiety as well.
There is just something so magical about massage therapy and it can help so many different people with so many different ailments. Massage is an amazing technique that allows nearly instant relief to so many people who have been struggling with any kind of pain or body aches.
What If I’m Nervous About Having A Massage?
For some, there can be some anxiety surrounding their first massage therapy session. Having an open conversation with your massage therapist regarding both your emotional and physical concerns is important.

At Anchored In Health, our highly trained licensed massage therapist begins every session by discussing your concerns beforehand to help you know what to expect, manage your expectations, and of course answer any questions you might have.
So What’s Next?
This is the first article of a 3-part series on the health benefits of massage therapy. The next articles will be talking about lymphatic drainage massage and therapeutic massage. We will talk about how you can feel better and even thrive with the help of massage therapy. In our next article, we will be talking about lymphatic drainage massage and its benefits for many health conditions.
Experience the Benefits of Massage Therapy in Orland Park, IL
Have you never had a massage but are interested in trying it? Or have you met with a massage therapist before but you feel like you could benefit from going again? Either way, we will work with you to customize your sessions to your needs. Experience the health benefits of massage therapy for yourself by following these steps:
- Contact us with questions or to learn more
- Schedule your first appointment at Anchored in Health
- Experience relaxation, stress reduction, and pain relief
Other Wellness Services We Offer in Orland Park, IL
At our wellness practice in the Chicago area, we offer a variety of services that can help you live your healthiest life. This includes acupuncture and chiropractic care. As well as holistic medicine, thermography, genetic testing, and the Shape ReClaimed Program.