7 Ways Massage Therapy Helps Relieve Chronic Pain Massage therapy is often seen as a luxury. But if you’re one of the 50 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain – …Continue Reading about 7 Ways Massage Therapy Helps Relieve Chronic Pain
5 Powerful Health Benefits of Therapeutic Massage For decades, massage was seen as an indulgence. Maybe you’d head to the spa to pamper yourself on your birthday – but that was …Continue Reading about 5 Powerful Health Benefits of Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage: Why it is More Beneficial in a Holistic Enviorment What is a therapeutic massage and why is it my go-to modality? When you classify a session as therapeutic massage it gives the …Continue Reading about Therapeutic Massage: Why it is More Beneficial in a Holistic Enviorment
The Surprising Benefits From Lymphatic Drainage Massage The lymphatic system is part of your immune system that works along with the circulatory and digestive systems. It is made of …Continue Reading about The Surprising Benefits From Lymphatic Drainage Massage